Simon Pegg speaks out against zombies that run


“I know it is absurd to debate the rules of a reality that does not exist, but this genuinely irks me. You cannot kill a vampire with an MDF stake; werewolves can’t fly; zombies do not run. It’s a misconception, a bastardisation that diminishes a classic movie monster. The best phantasmagoria uses reality to render the inconceivable conceivable. The speedy zombie seems implausible to me, even within the fantastic realm it inhabits. A biological agent, I’ll buy. Some sort of super-virus? Sure, why not. But death? Death is a disability, not a superpower. It’s hard to run with a cold, let alone the most debilitating malady of them all.”
— Simon Pegg, The Guardian

I think it quite added to things like 28 Days Later, and the Resident Evil movies wouldn’t have been quite as action-movie as they were, but I have to agree. Bring back slow zombies!

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